Tips, Pros, and Cons of Elektra in Marvel Strike Force

If you’re an avid player of the mobile game Marvel Strike Force, then you’re likely familiar with Elektra – the deadly assassin and longtime adversary of Daredevil. Elektra is a formidable character in the game, with a unique set of abilities that make her a valuable asset in many different scenarios.

However, like any character in the game, Elektra has both pros and cons that you should consider before deciding to add her to your team. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at Elektra’s abilities, examine her strengths and weaknesses, and provide some tips on how to use her effectively in Marvel Strike Force.

Elektra’s Abilities

Before we dive into the pros and cons of Elektra, it’s important to understand her abilities. Elektra is a Blaster character in Marvel Strike Force, meaning that she deals significant damage from a distance. She has a variety of abilities that make her a versatile character in the game, including:

  • Twin Katanas: Elektra’s basic attack, which deals moderate damage to a single enemy.
  • Shadow Step: Elektra’s first special ability, which allows her to move to a new position and gain stealth.
  • Smoke Bomb: Elektra’s second special ability, which deals damage to all enemies and applies offense down to them.
  • Assassin’s Strike: Elektra’s ultimate ability, which deals massive damage to a single enemy and has a chance to chain to other enemies.

Pros of Elektra in Marvel Strike Force

So, what are the pros of using Elektra in Marvel Strike Force? Here are a few:

  • High damage output: Elektra’s abilities allow her to deal significant damage to enemies, making her a valuable asset in combat situations where you need to take out enemies quickly.
  • Versatility: Elektra’s abilities make her a versatile character in the game. She can move around the battlefield quickly and deal damage to multiple enemies at once, making her a valuable asset in a variety of situations.
  • Stealth: Elektra’s ability to gain stealth with her Shadow Step ability can be incredibly useful in certain situations. For example, it can allow her to move past enemy lines unnoticed or set up a surprise attack on a high-value target.

Cons of Elektra in Marvel Strike Force

Of course, Elektra isn’t perfect. Here are a few of the cons to consider before adding her to your team:

  • Fragile: Elektra doesn’t have a lot of health or armor, which means she can be taken out quickly if she’s not protected. This makes her vulnerable in certain situations, particularly when facing enemies with high damage output.
  • Limited utility: While Elektra is versatile in many ways, she doesn’t have a lot of utility outside of dealing damage. This means that in certain situations, she may not be the most useful character to have on your team.
  • Requires strategy: Elektra’s abilities require careful planning and strategy to use effectively. For example, her Shadow Step ability can be incredibly useful, but it requires you to think ahead and anticipate enemy movements in order to use it effectively.

Tips for Using Elektra in Marvel Strike Force

If you do decide to use Elektra in Marvel Strike Force, here are a few tips to help you get the most out of her abilities:

  • Know when to use Shadow Step: Elektra’s Shadow Step ability can be incredibly useful, but it’s important to use it strategically. For example, you can use it to move behind enemy lines and take out a high-value target, or to move to a position where you can deal damage to multiple enemies at once.
  • Prioritize her abilities: Elektra’s abilities are what make her valuable in Marvel Strike Force, so it’s important to prioritize them when building your team. Consider pairing her with characters who can protect her and provide support, such as healers or tanks.
  • Use her ultimate wisely: Elektra’s ultimate ability, Assassin’s Strike, can deal massive damage to a single enemy and has a chance to chain to other enemies. However, it also has a long cooldown time, so use it strategically and don’t waste it on weaker enemies.


Overall, Elektra is a valuable character in Marvel Strike Force with a unique set of abilities that make her a versatile asset in combat. However, she does have some limitations, such as her fragility and limited utility outside of dealing damage. By understanding her abilities and using her strategically, you can take advantage of her strengths and mitigate her weaknesses to create a strong team in the game.


Is Elektra worth using in Marvel Strike Force?

Yes, Elektra can be a valuable asset in combat situations where you need to deal significant damage to enemies quickly. However, she does have some limitations, such as her fragility and limited utility.

What is Elektra’s best ability in Marvel Strike Force?

Elektra’s abilities are all valuable in different situations, but her Assassin’s Strike ultimate ability can deal massive damage to a single enemy and has a chance to chain to other enemies.

How do you use Elektra’s Shadow Step ability effectively?

To use Elektra’s Shadow Step ability effectively, you need to think ahead and anticipate enemy movements. Use it to move behind enemy lines and take out high-value targets, or to position yourself where you can deal damage to multiple enemies at once.

What characters pair well with Elektra in Marvel Strike Force?

Consider pairing Elektra with characters who can protect her and provide support, such as healers or tanks.

How do you avoid Elektra’s fragility in combat?

To avoid Elektra’s fragility in combat, prioritize her abilities and use her strategically. Consider pairing her with characters who can protect her and provide support, and avoid putting her in situations where she’s likely to take a lot of damage.

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